
Virgin Galactic

Once the domain of just a few men and women, space travel for the masses is now a reality with Virgin Galactic! With over 700 people booked to visit space and many more considering the dream of space flight, Virgin Galactic is making this dream a reality for just $250K. Those booked to fly into […]

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Though unconfirmed by sources close to the company, the Washington DC based SpaceX Inc. could be a perfect company to enter the fray of competing company’s offering space tourism. Already operating under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA, SpaceX is set to fly cargo missions to the International Space Station. Its Dragon spacecraft was specifically […]

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Space Travel Russia

Russian entrepreneurs are eyeing ways to enter the Space tourism sector for recreational, leisure or business purposes. A number of startup companies in Russia are hoping to create a Russian space tourism industry backed by the Russian State Space consortium who will use the Baikonur Cosmodrome as a base for Space tourism. In partnership with […]

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Space Travel Japan

Another contender in the suborbital space flight tourism sector is Tokyo based Space Travel Japan. Space tourists, at 3 times the speed of sound, the spaceship will traverse through the stratosphere, atmosphere, and into space. Once reaching “100km” above earth, paying astronauts will experience true zero gravity. Plans are for a large interior space craft which […]

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Space Warp Drive

Base upon a new scientific theory, a space warp drive could reduce the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to days, weeks or months. Mr. H. G. White, a physicist and engineer with NASA is attempting to determine if faster-than-light travel or in layman’s terms “warp drive” could someday be a […]

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